What Does AGM Battery Mean?

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• What does AGM battery mean?

What is an AGM battery? Actually, the word stands for absorbent glass mat. So we also call AGM batteries absorbent glass mat batteries. The battery is an advanced lead acid battery that powers based on an “absorbed glass” mechanism. Nowadays, AGM batteries are produced to satisfy the higher electrical demands of automotive applications.

• What are the differences between gel battery and AGM battery?

The significant difference between the two batteries is the material inside. Gel batteries use a silica-type gel inside, while AGM ones are made of absorbed glass mat and battery acid. Besides, AGM batteries are designed to meet the needs of applications requiring a high burst of AMPs, while gel batteries are best for slow discharge.

• How does an AGM battery work?

Lead, sulfuric acid, and water make up the fundamental chemistry of AGM batteries. When you draw power from your AGM battery, acid molecules transfer over to the lead plates, leaving behind water and lead sulfate. AGM batteries are spill-free because of their fiberglass mats, which act like sponges. With this battery type, you don’t have to worry about electrolyte spills or sulfation.

• Do AGM batteries get sulfated?

Yes. Battery sulfation can occur in AGM batteries as well. AGM batteries accept a lot of currents when bulk charged, which is advantageous for applications that require short high-amperage charging cycles. However, AGM ones share the same lead acid chemistry as flooded batteries, and hence can become sulfated.