A car battery’s primary purpose is to provide the starter with the energy it needs to turn the engine on. When the engine is off, it powers the car’s accessories and acts as a surge protector for the electrical system. However, not every application necessitates a flooded lead-acid battery, and not all battery designs are created equal.
Rechargeable batteries are typically used by businesses to power their vehicles, office equipment, or renewable energy systems. Lead acid batteries are the most common kind of battery. This established technology is renowned for being dependable, robust, and economical. However, you should be aware that lead acid batteries come in a wide range of variations. The distinctions between Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) and Flooded batteries will be covered in this article.
Lead batteries with an electrolyte solution
Lead batteries with an electrolyte solution that undergoes a chemical reaction and generates electrons include wet cell batteries, also referred to as “flooded” batteries, and absorbed glass mat (AGM) batteries. When in touch with a reverse current, these batteries can be recharged. They each, however, have benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before adopting due to their design.
Rechargeable batteries known as AGM can be found in electric vehicles, boats, motorbikes, and off-grid power systems. Although they have unique qualities that make them ideal for these occupations, they also have some drawbacks. We’ll offer you an overview of AGM batteries in this post along with a comparison to other types of rechargeable batteries.
An AGM battery is what?
A battery is referred to be AGM if it has an Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM). It is a unique kind of glass that functions as a sponge to absorb any surplus water in the battery. Look for the word “AGM” on the label of your product, or use the model number to check the manufacturer’s website, to see whether it contains an AGM. Ask us if you’re unsure about where to look! The details of our batteries are available online for evaluation if you already own one or are considering buying one.
AGM batteriesare the best choice when you don’t want your battery to be harmed by moisture or condensation. They are also great for maritime applications because they can withstand the salinity of seawater.
AGM batteries don’t require topping off or refilling like flooded batteries do because they are sealed and filled with electrolyte. They are therefore perfect for usage in environments where there is little probability of access to water, such the ocean or in off-grid power supplies.
How AGM Battery Works
An AGM battery wicks the electrolyte solution between the battery plates using a special glass mat separator. Electrolyte can be stored in a “dry” or suspended state rather than as a free liquid because of the way this material is created since the fiberglass can be saturated with it.
Electrolyte is moved from the glass mat to the battery plates as necessary during battery operation. The battery’s electrolyte won’t leak even if the battery casing is damaged or it is turned on its side since there is enough electrolyte in the mat for the battery to function properly.
Regular batteries vs. AGM batteries
Wet or flooded batteries, which may be considered the most “traditional” type of battery, are frequently used in automobiles, stationary (big) uninterrupted power sources, and of course, stand-alone energy systems. There are various liquid electrolytes present in these batteries. The liquid in these batteries needs to be carefully monitored and maintained in order to operate properly. In flooded batteries, a medium that contains liquid electrolyte is used to start a chemical reaction. As soon as the battery is connected, acid starts to create contacts with the lead plates. The associated circuit receives an electric current as a result of this reaction.
Because AGM batteries do not contain liquid electrolyte, they are frequently referred to as “maintenance-free” or “dry” batteries. An absorbent fiberglass mat material is used in place of the electrolyte to enable more effective conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy. Because of their unique design, these batteries do not leak acid like typical lead-acid batteries do.
AGM batteries, which are maintenance-free, have the following benefits over conventional lead-acid models:
greater effectiveness than standard batteries
Faster, longer-lasting Charge
performance is unaffected by storage position (conventional versions should be maintained upright), but this model can be stored in any posture.
Traditional deep cycle batteries are less expensive than AGM batteries, however AGM batteries last longer. They are incredibly resilient and may be mounted in any direction. AGM batteries are superior to ordinary batteries in terms of shock and vibration resistance, making them perfect for use in motorcycles and other applications with a lot of movement. You will notice less power loss during extended storage or hot days using AGM batteries since they are less heat-sensitive than conventional deep cycle batteries.
AGM batteries must be charged, but you should never use a charger designed for a lead-acid battery to charge an AGM battery, or the other way around. The charger that comes with your car or boat’s onboard equipment might not be suitable for charging an AGM battery, so be sure you have one developed specifically for charging AGM batteries.
A charger’s label has to specify whether or not it can be used with AGM batteries.
Compared to standard lead-acid batteries, AGM batteries provide a variety of advantages:
More effective and durable than standard batteries
Friendly to the environment
A safer alternative to conventional gel or flooded cell batteries
Since they prevent hydrogen gas from escaping during charging or discharging cycles, they have increased safety.
AGM batteries’ high energy density is their key advantage. This shows that they can store more energy per unit weight than other lead-acid battery types. They are therefore perfect for uses where weight is a key consideration, such as in maritime or RV applications where both space and weight may be constrained.
Another advantage of AGM batteries
Another advantage of AGM batteries is that they may be recharged more frequently than other lead-acid battery types without the battery being harmed. They are therefore perfect for uses like backup power supply or emergency lighting systems when frequent recharge is necessary.
AGM batteries also have a longer lifespan than traditional lead-acid batteries. This is due to the fact that they can endure more charge cycles before their capacity to store energy is compromised. Because AGM batteries don’t contain any liquid chemicals that could spill out if the battery is damaged during usage or shipping, they are also more resilient.
Choose a battery with a sizable backup capacity. Because of its low internal resistance and ability to supply more amperes (current) for longer periods of time, the battery is less likely to overcharge or overheat.
Pick a battery with a lengthy life. How frequently you use the battery and how much power it supplies will affect how long it lasts, so be sure to verify that.
Pick a product that is dependable, secure, requires little maintenance, and is ecologically friendly. If at all possible, compare standby performance as opposed to just starting performance because the latter provides a more accurate picture of what happens when the engine is turned off but other devices, such as lights, are still operating.
When purchasing a battery for an emergency power source, be sure it is “spill proof” and has undergone at least one annual test. It will be simpler to store and move as a result.
Look for a battery with the right voltage and amperage capacity
Look for a battery with the right voltage and amperage capacity if you need one for your car. This will guarantee that it fits your car and is capable of handling the electrical demands of all of its parts. Find out how many cycles a deep cycle battery can produce before needing to be replaced if you intend to buy one; this will depend on how frequently it is used and how much power it provides.
When purchasing a battery for an emergency power source, be sure it is “spill proof” and has undergone at least one annual test. It will be simpler to store and move as a result.
Although an AGM battery may cost more up front than a standard lead-acid battery, it will end up saving you money over time.
They outlive conventional batteries. AGM batteries survive longer than conventional car batteries since they have less components to break because they don’t contain any liquid inside of them.
They perform better than standard automobile batteries
They perform better than standard automobile batteries. AGMs are safer for recycling once their useful lives are over and for disposal after use because they don’t contain any corrosive liquids. They also last longer and have lower long-term maintenance costs than other kinds of vehicle power sources.
So far, we’ve discussed a few crucial applications for an AGM battery. One benefit is that they function well in a variety of climates. In addition to having high discharge rates, they are typically simpler to maintain than other battery types. We sincerely hope that this tutorial has given you a better understanding of the advantages of AGM batteries and how they could possibly meet your demands for energy storage and utilization.
For both flooded and AGM batteries, it’s critical to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations for charging and maintenance. You are taking the required precautions to safeguard your battery investment if you exercise caution when it comes to connection procedures, charging, and a secure area for storage.