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UPS and UPS battery


Sometimes we find that there is electricity in some large public places such as hospitals, government, schools and so on when there is no electricity around. You might be wondering. This is the UPS power supply in action. There are other places in our lives where UPS power and UPS battery can be found. Today, we talk about what a UPS battery is and how it works.

How the UPS battery works

I’ll use an example to illustrate how a UPS battery works. When we do not use UPS, PC, printers, and other terminal equipment are directly connected to the mains. When UPS is used, PC, printer, and other terminal equipment are connected to UPS for use, and UPS is then connected to the mains. When the mains input is normal, the UPS supplies the mains voltage to the terminals (in contrast to the UPS, we call these terminals the load). The UPS at this time is an AC mains voltage regulator, which also charges its built-in UPS battery. When the power supply is interrupted (such as power outage), UPS will immediately supply 220V AC to the load through the method of inverter conversion, so that the load can maintain normal work and protect the software and hardware systems of the load from damage.

Classification of UPS battery

UPS has evolved from a rotary generator in the 1960s to today’s intelligent, static, all-electronic circuit, and continues to evolve. At present, UPS generally refers to the static UPS, according to its working mode classification can be divided into backup, online interactive, and online three categories.

Backup UPS

When the power supply is normal, the power supply is directly supplied to the load by the power supply. When the power supply exceeds its working range or power failure, the power supply is transferred to the ups battery inverter through the transfer switch. Its characteristics are: simple structure, small volume, low cost, but the input voltage range is narrow, the output voltage stability accuracy is poor, there is switching time, and the output waveform is generally square wave. The schematic diagram is as follows:

Online interactive UPS

When the mains power is normal, the mains power is supplied directly to the load. When the mains power is low or high, the output is regulated through the UPS internal voltage regulator circuit. When the mains power is abnormal or blackout, the UPS battery inverter power is supplied through the transfer switch. Its characteristics are: a wide range of input voltage, low noise, small size, and other characteristics, but also the existence of switching time but compared with the general backup UPS, this type of protection function is stronger, inverter output voltage waveform is better, generally sine wave. The schematic diagram is as follows:

Online UPS

When the mains power is normal, the mains rectifier provides DC voltage to the inverter, and the inverter provides alternating current to the load. When the mains power is abnormal, the inverter is provided with energy by the UPS battery, and the inverter is always working to ensure uninterrupted output. It is characterized by an extremely wide input voltage range, no switching time, and high accuracy of output voltage stability. It is especially suitable for situations requiring a higher power supply, but the cost is higher. At present, almost all UPS with power greater than 3kVA are in-line UPS.

UPS and UPS battery


Finally, through various examples, we know that the UPS battery is actually a backup power supply, and we also understand why some public places can still operate in the case of power failure. UPS battery do bring great convenience to our life, we should also go to understand it.

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